Air and energy system
Greenhouse ClimateAir & Energy system for optimal and homogeneous climate
As a grower, you want an optimal and homogeneous growing climate for your crops. But at the same time, you want to save costs, reduce plant diseases and have an eye for sustainability in energy savings and CO2 reduction. With our Air & Energy system, you can achieve all these goals and make your workforce more comfortable.
Sustainability and energy saving: Win-win situation
The Air & Energy system guarantees verifiable energy savings. Compared to a traditional approach, these savings can be as much as 40%. This energy reduction not only saves you money but also reduces your carbon footprint (your CO2 emissions).
The Air & Energy system controls your greenhouse’s climate conditions, making growing conditions more homogeneous by equalising temperature differences in the various air layers.
You can grow your vegetables with closed windows and closed screens, reducing the risk of diseases and saving on pesticides. Closed screens also prevent light pollution in the environment. To control humidity in your greenhouse, condensation water is extracted from the moist air and can be re-used. Besides these benefits, your employees will feel more comfortable in these greenhouses. Ergonomic working conditions, especially on sunny and hot days, are much better.
In addition to the savings, this system also delivers a 10-15% growth in your production, which makes it really a win-win situation.
Up to 40% savings on energy
Lower CO2 emission construction
Re-use condensation water Air & Energy units
Reduced use of bumblebees by up to 30%
- Minimising light emission to the environment
- 10-15% more increased production
- Reduced risk of diseases
- Fewer pesticides
- Better ergonomic working conditions
Air & Energy system for various climate zones
The Air & Energy climate control system is suitable for various climate zones and growing different crop types. Our Air & Energy systems reduce energy costs from the permafrost zone to hot climates and raise your yield conditions.
Top Air supplement for hot climate conditions
In hot climate conditions, you’ll need to cool rather than heat your greenhouse. With our supplementary TopAir, Air & Energy system also becomes suitable for hot climate zones with low humidity.
The Top Air add-on now provides cooling with an equal airflow above the crops without affecting the ventilation and recirculation. Top Air ensures an even reduction of the temperature in the greenhouse. Combined with high pressure misting of the air, you can optimise the growing conditions for your crops.