Labour path registration
Optimize your workflow
Controlling labour and production data
Modern registration and management systems give you more insight into and control of the performance of your crop and your staff. Understanding the costs per m2 or per cultivation makes it possible to optimize production and labour. Your business return goes up accordingly.
Data monitoring and labour path control software can be used for every horticultural company. It registers all labour and production information very precisely via smartphone or tablet.
Get insights into labour efficiency, production and food safety
Data monitoring combining costs with real-time information on personnel performance, planning, payroll, quality and inventory helps you efficiently manage labour, production and crop health and take cost-saving measures.
You always have real-time insight into personnel performance, cultivation and harvesting activities, production costs and crop health. You can find all your recorded data in reports. Data comparison allows you to zoom in on your operations down to the smallest detail. These insights help you to optimize your production and reduce costs.
Increase staff motivation and productivity
Feedback on performance motivates employees to be more productive, especially when high individual performance is extra rewarded. You can provide your staff with immediate feedback on performance. The dashboard overview shows which employees perform certain activities best. You can engage employees more efficiently, reward them and implement improvements to meet your production goals
Effective crop protection
The Labour path software allows you to protect your crop in a more targeted way. Members of your staff who observe a disease or pest can report it immediately by using your app. The location and extent of the infestation are immediately visible on your computer. This allows you to monitor the health of the crop and ensure food safety with the integrated track & trace.
The app can also be used as a training tool for your employees: you can teach them to recognize diseases and pests. In addition, it provides insight into which crop protection products are used and at what cost. This insight helps you to meet the requirements of food quality, food safety and environmental legislation.